Keywords :
Bedside lung ultrasound in emergency protocol, Emergency department, Extended focused abdominal sonogram for trauma, Fluid administration limited by lung sonography protocol, KH screening tool, Rapid ultrasound in shock protocol, Undifferentiated shock
Citation Information :
Monica EJ, Rajadurai M, Saeed S, Perumal P, Raj A, Reddy AC, Baskar H, Babu N, Deepak A. Lung Ultrasound Using KH Screening Tool in Undifferentiated Shock Patients Arriving to ER. Nat J Emerg Med 2023; 1 (3):63-66.
Background: Detection of various types of shock in patients presented to the emergency department for early resuscitation and management with the use of lung ultrasound at the patient's bedside.
Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the undifferentiated shock patients presented to the emergency department by using the KH screening tool in our hospital.
Materials and methodology: All patients who presented to the emergency room (ER) with undifferentiated shock were included in this study. The KH screening tool was performed on the patient by the emergency physician taking of the patient. This study was single-centre prospective diagnostic study conducted in our hospital using the KH screening tool.
Results: This study included 159 patients who presented to our emergency department. The KH screening was found to be >90% accurate in identifying patients with undifferentiated shock. In our study, of the cases, 41% fall into the 61–70 age group, 27% fall into the 51–60 age group, 13% fall into the more than 70 age group, 12% fall into the 41–50 age group, and only 8% fall into less than 40 age group, 73% of the patients were males and 27% were females and 71% of the patients in whom the KH screening tool was performed has been discharged after appropriate treatment.
Conclusion: The use of the KH screening tool was successful in the majority of the patients for it was performed. The KH screening tool was easy, quick and done at the patient bedside in identifying the undifferentiated shock patients who presented to our emergency department.
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